Body Language

1. Pay Attention

    No matter in virtual or reality, pay attention always is the most difficult things in body language.  When being in internet you're maybe staying at home, there no manager, teacher or somebody who beside you and watching you.  In this situation, you will easy to not focus on what you should do like checking your phone, looking around the place you are or even sleeping!!  So I think in virtual meeting is more difficult to pay attention than reality meeting.

2. Hand Gestures

    When using hand gestures, you need to be careful that the same gestures may not the same meaning in other country or district.  Like the OK gesture, in our country it means "fine" or "no problem" but it means "zero" or "less than nothing" in French.  The same gesture but it almost the opposite meaning in different culture.  So next time when you want to use the gestures make sure that everyone know what you truly want to express.




Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Steve Job's 2005 Standford Commencement Address